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  DR.A.T.TE. . has developed a number of activities, aiming to promote and convey the available knowledge upon scientific fields that are relevant to Tourism and Hospitality Businesses’ Management. This is the reason why A.DE.T.T.E. has founded the Tourism Research Institute (T.R.I.).  T.R.I. manipulates the major volume of the Union’s academic activities.

The Tourism Research Institute (T.R.I.) is created to serve the scientific purposes of the Association. The institute conducts surveys and researches, takes actions of training in tourism and tourism enterprises by itself, as well as in collaboration with foundations, unions and enterprises in Greece or abroad. Τ.R.I. organizes scientific meetings and conferences as well. Τ.R.I. is responsible for facts of scholarships for all levels of education . The scholar choice criteria are set by command of the Board of Directors of A.DE.T.T.E.

The union runs scientific teams that examine the present conditions, concerning tourism education and the tourism policy. Afterward, a plan is constructed according to what was initially required.

Tourism Research Institute

T.R.I. is created to serve the scientific purposes of DR.A.T.T.E.

World Tourism Academics

A union of all the world Professors on Tourism Sciences

Journal of Tourism Research

A refereed open access scientific web journal

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