Sustainable tourism management, Tourism management theory, Destination management, Travel motivation, Culture and tourism, Air transport and tourism, Managing tourism impacts, Accommodation and hospitality services, Food and beverage management, Hospitality operations management, Events management, Management in the cruise industry, Service Quality, Contemporary issues on tourism and hospitality management, Globalization for hospitality and tourism, Innovation and entrepreneurship in hospitality and tourism, Managing finance for tourism and hospitality, Managing social responsibility in hospitality and tourism, Strategic management for hospitality and tourism, The future of tourism and hospitality management, Theme park tourism and management, Tour operations management, Tourism and entrepreneurship, Tourism supply chain management, Transportation management, Women in hospitality and tourism BUSINESS, Gastronomy: New trends in Tourism.
Management Science, Critical Management Studies, Organizational Behavior, Strategic Management, Leadership, Business Statistics, Operations Research, Business Intelligence, Change Management, Communications Management, Entrepreneurship, Ethics, Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainability, Management Education & Development
IT in hospitality and tourism, Knowledge Management, Green IT and Green Organization, E- Business and Internet Computing, Management of Technology in Hospitality Businesses, Innovation & Technology in New Product/Service Development, Information Systems issues, The Integration of Technology & Organizational Strategies, Sustainable Innovation and Competitive Advantage, Innovation and Management of Renewable Resources, Change management and organizational performance measures, Information Quality Management, Information Quality Metrics and Assessment, E-Commerce issues, trends, and case studies, E-Learning, e-Training, and e-Teams, E-Human Resources
New Theoretical Perspectives on Human Resource Management, The Changing Role of Human Resource Management, Managing Organizational Performance, Motivation, Recognition & Reward, Hiring & Firing, Recruitment, Education for tourism and hospitality management
World Economy vs Regional Economy, Rules & Institutions, Institutional Economics, Profitability and Earnings, Budgeting and Reporting, Internal reporting and Incentives, Performance Evaluation, Portfolio Choice, Asset Pricing, Contingent Pricing; Futures Pricing, Information and Market Efficiency MARKETING Tourism marketing, Market segmentation in tourism, Tourism demand modeling and forecasting, Marketing Philosophy, The Role of Marketing in Strategic Planning, Relationship Marketing, Public Relations Strategies, International Strategies, The Development and Utilization of Marketing Plans, Online Marketing, Social Networks Marketing, Marketing Effectiveness at the Operational and Strategic Levels, Brand Management
International Strategic Alliances, Globalization, International Management Practices, Multinational and Transnational Hospitality and Tourism Businesses, International Hospitality and Tourism Business Strategy, Measuring International Hospitality and Tourism Business Performance
Architecture and tourism, Space and tourism development, Architectural design for hotels and touristic resorts, Interior design for tourism attraction, Cultural landscapes and tourism, Cultural tourism and tourism cultures, Tourism landscapes, Heritage tourism, Mapping tourism, Tourism archaeology, New touristic places in old spaces, Reconstruction of tourism facilities, Hotel architecture and sustainable design, Eco-tourism facilities, Experiential tourism and authenticity, Product design for tourism facilities, Creative touristic design, Touristic experience and digital means, Virtual spaces, tourist places, Tourism and advertisement, Visual representations of tourism, Tourism visual identity, Human- computer interaction and tourism, Film tourism presentation.