- Open Access Journals
Tourism Management Open Access Articles
European Journal of Management and Business Economics- Emerald
Journal of Tourism Futures – Emerald
European Journal of Futures Research- Springer Open
Rural Society- Taylor and Francis Online
Tourism and Hospitality (ISSN 2673-5768) is an international, open access, peer-reviewed journal covering all aspects of tourism and hospitality, and is published quarterly online by MDPI
European Journal of Tourism Research is an open-access academic journal in the field of tourism, published by Varna University of Management, Bulgaria
International Journal of Tourism Research
Scientific Research Publishing
Information Technology & Tourism Springer
Tourism and Hospitality Management – An International Scientific Journal
DETUROPE- the Central European Journal of Regional Development and Tourism
- Data on international tourism
World Tourism Organization UNWTO Tourism Statistics
World Tourism Organization UNWTO Tourism Data Dashboard
World Tourism Organization UNWTO Publications
World Travel & Tourism Council – WTTC Economic Impact Reports
World Travel & Tourism Council – WTTC Insights & Reports
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development OECD Tourism Statistics
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development OECD Library
World Bank
- Facts Related to Greek Tourism
Bank of Greece – Εstimate of travel expenses
Travel receipts
Receipts per trip ratio
Receipts by country of origin
Incoming travel traffic of non-residents in Greece by country of origin
Overnight stays of non-residents in Greece by country of origin
Expenditure per trip of non-residents in Greece by country of origin
Expenditure per night for non-residents in Greece by country of origin
Average length of stay per trip of non-residents in Greece by country of origin
Travel payments
Payments by reason of travel
Payments by country of destination
Outgoing travel of residents abroad by country of destination
Overnight stay of residents abroad by country of destination
Expenditure per trip of residents abroad by country of destination
Expenditure per night of residents abroad by country of destination
Average length of stay per resident’s trip abroad by country of destination
Travel receipts by region
Travel receipts by region for the main countries of origin of travelers
Visits by region for the main countries of origin of travelers
Nights per region for the main countries of origin of travelers
Expenditure per visit per region for the main countries of origin of travelers
Expenditure per night by region for major traveler countries of origin
Average length of stay per region for the main countries of origin of travelers
Greek Statistical Authority
Arrivals and Overnights in Short Stay Accommodations
Arrivals and Overnight in Hotel and Camping Accommodations
Arrivals and overnight stays in hotels and campsites by CAA and country of origin
Arrivals, Overnight stays and fullness of beds in hotel accommodation (excluding camping), by Region (Monthly data)
Fullness of beds in hotel type accommodation, by Regional Unit and Municipality
Overnight guests in hotel type accommodation (excluding camping), by Regional Unit and Municipality
Arrivals of guests in hotel type accommodation (except camping), by Regional Unit and Municipality
Nights in hotel and camping accommodation, per month
Arrivals at the hotel and camping accommodation, per month
Fullness of beds, per month (in hotels and similar accommodation)
Overnight stays of foreigners in hotel and camping accommodation
Arrivals of foreigners in hotel and camping accommodation
Nights in hotel and camping accommodation, by Regional Unit
Arrivals at the hotel type accommodation and camping, by Regional Unit
Capacity of hotel and camping accommodation
Hotel potential by category
Inventory data of each airport with exact arrivals and departureshttp://www.ypa.gr/
- Sources from institutions
Insete Library
Electronic research, studies and articles on tourism. Some publications are only accessible to SETE Members.
Institute for Tourism Research and Forecasting – ITEP
Statistical data
KEPE Library
The KEPE Library provides free access to the following electronic databases:
O.N.E. – Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) |
ABI / Inform Complete: Provides access to journals, essays, dissertations, reports, etc., with their full text on finance, entrepreneurship and markets.
This database (of the American Economic Association) covers almost the entire international literature literature. Provides access to over 1 million subscriptions and full text from 504 journals
Science Direct Government Edition: Contains approximately 2,200 titles of Elsevier publishers, accessible since 1995
Handbook in Economics Series: Includes Elsevier Handbooks in Economics, accessible since 2012
International Financial Statistics – IMF
EUR-Lex – Περιλαμβάνει Νομοθεσία της Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης
EUR-Lex – Includes European Union Legislation
National Printing Office Base
Books and articles of Economics.
ABU la Bibliothèque Universelle
French literary texts.
Online sources about Albert Einstein.
American Memory (Library of Congress database of 90 digital historical collections) Electronic Library of Congress Library. Includes printed material, maps, musical engravings, motion pictures, photographs and recordings for art, modernism and other social issues.
Antique Books – Library (searchable, readable digital editions)
Books with full text, covering topics such as the History of Modern England, natural history, natural geography, astronomy, meteorology, world history etc.
Archive for the History of Economic Thought [e-text repository, McMaster University]
Archive containing material for the study of the history of finance. Includes studies on primary texts and authors.
Athena – Authors and Texts
Provides access to 10,000 books (philosophy, science, classics, literature, history, economics, etc.).
The Avalon Project at the Yale Law School Documents in Law, History and Diplomacy
Refers to legal issues, history and Diplomacy. It is divided into centuries, from the 18th to the 20th century. Search by authors, topics and titles. Aimed at lawyers, historians, politicians, etc.
Australian Literary and Historical Texts
Australian Literature and Historical Texts. A collection of 18th and 19th century texts.
Australian Literature on the Internet Λογοτεχνικά έργα Αυστραλών συγγραφέων.
Includes a wealth of information and resources on Australian literature.
Austrian Literature Online
Database with access to the most important works of Austrian literature of classic Austrian authors in full text.
Bartleby.com: Great Books Online
Categories by Authors, Themes and list of titles.
Berkeley Digital Library SunSITE
Brief reference to authors and essays. Categories by authors, topics and titles.
Bibliotheca Augustana
Includes in Italian classic works from the collections Latina, Greca, Germanica etc. There is a chronological and alphabetical index.
Biblioteca Virtual Miguel Cervantes (3000+ books in Spanish)
Contains over 3,000 e-books in Spanish, English, French, German and Italian, mainly by European classical and modern authors.
Provides a list of 2400 Italian poems, dating back to the time of Dante.
Εserver.Org (Accessible Online Publishing, 30,000+ books)
It consists of various sources in the fields of art, architecture, aesthetics, literature, culture, education, history, audio-video, etc .. Intended for students and Universities.
“Europeana” – Ευρωπαϊκή Ψηφιακή Βιβλιοθήκη
“Europeana” – European Digital Library: at www.europeana.eu Internet users around the world can access more than two million books, maps, recordings, photographs, archival documents, paintings and films from national libraries and cultural institutions. 27 EU Member States.
Free audiobooks
Recitation of books.
Free Business Books
Free books of financial interest
Gallica (digital collection from the BNF, 0ver 80.000 works)
Free books of financial interest
Galileo Galilei s Notes on Motion
The collection covers many topics and seasons with online books and online magazines in full text. The topics it covers are: general works, classical studies and history, law, economics, literature, mythology, folklore, philosophy and religion.
Great Books Index
Contains a list of important e-books translated into English, such as: Aeschylus, Apollonius, Aristotle, Marcus Aurelius, Dewey, Dickens, Dostoevsky, Einstein, George Eliot, T.S. Eliot, Euripides, Joyce, Kafka, Kant, Moliere, Virgil, Voltaire, Woolf and many others.
International Children´s Digital Library
Contains fairy tales and children’s books in various languages. The search can be done thematically and geographically. The presentation of the pages requires Java Web Start or Acrobat e-book reader.
Internet Classics Archive
Contains 400 texts of ancient Greek and Latin literature, translated into English.
Internet Sacred Text Archive
Electronic texts on religion, mythology, myths, folklore and occult sciences. (HTML text).
Jane Austen s Writings
Collection of the work of the English author.
John Milton s A Maske or Comus
It includes studies of John Milton’s “Maske,” or “Comus,” and also explores how the humanities and technology can work for the good of both.
LIBRO – Library of Iberian Resources Online
Contains books in full text in the out-of-print version. The collection focuses on the Spanish Medieval years 500-1500 with the prospect of expanding to the 16th and 17th centuries. (HTML text)
MARABU (Manhheimer Texte Online) (Books — fulltexts) and E-Texts
This page contains selected texts from rare books and manuscripts.
National Academy Press (Free access to 2,500 books)
Noreña Germán López, Dr.
14 titles of e-books, by the author Dr. Germán López Noreña, published by the University of Malaga, which have contributed to the education of the Latin American population and which have been used as teaching materials in universities and training centers, scattered throughout Spain and America.
The Online Books Page
Contains more than 11,000 e-book titles including guides and archives. Covers issues of general scientific interest.
Contains stories by Julio Cortázar and Mario Benedetti as well as 50 stories by important Argentine writers.
Perseus Digital Library
The Perseus Digital Library is an evolving collection of resources related to the study of antiquity. You can access archeology, maps, texts and translations, text tools and dictionaries.
The Piers Plowman Electronic Archive
The above is the effort of the “Institute for Advanced Technology in the humanities” – University of Virginia to create an electronic archive of Piers Plowman (14th century).
The Poetry Archives
Online access to 3740 poems by 144 classic poets is provided. of different nationalities. An alphabetical list of poets is included
Project Gutenberg
Project Gutenberg offers over 36,000 free e-books that you can download to your PC and Kindle, Android, iOS or any other mobile device. You can choose between ePub, Kindle, HTML or even plain text formats. In addition, many of the above books can be found in Greek εδώ.
Project Runeberg
Provides links to other sites on the internet, which are related to Projekt Puneberg, the largest center of Scandinavian literature. It has access to the full electronic text of old books from Sweden and the Nordic countries. (html text)
Project Wittenberg
Electronic access to Lutheran material is provided. In particular, access is provided to texts by Martin Luther and other Lutherans, as well as to other texts and later studies on the history and evolution of this religious movement.
Projecto Vercial
Provides information on Portuguese literature (authors, works, etc.)
Projekt Gutenberg.de
Includes texts from more than 350 classic authors in the German language, such as novels, fairy tales and poems. The list is often enriched.
Religious Studies Web Guide – Electronic Texts
Guide to Religious Studies. Source containing a complete list of links to various religious sites.
religion online.org
This database provides access to over 2100 texts and articles that cover a wide range of religious topics, such as theology, history and sociology of religion, religious education, ethics, comparison of religions, etc.
Representative poetry in electronic form that includes 2,300 English poems by 359 poets. It covers a wide range of poets from Caedmon, of the Old English period, to the most modern poets of today.
SCETI The Schoenberg Center for Electronic Text & Image (Univ. of Pennsylvania)
Schoenberg Center for Electronic Texts and Images.
The Special Collection of the PENN Library provides the academic community with electronic access to copies of originals, documents and sources from the PENN Collection. Includes printed books, manuscripts, photographs, maps, ephemeral and audio material.
University of Chicago EFTS (Electronic Full-Text Sources)
Material related to art, philosophy, religion, literature. It also contains reference material with limited access to electronic text.
University of Virginia Electronic Text Center Collections (5,000 texts publicly accessible)
Topics covered mainly in humanities, foreign literature. Access to full text is limited.
Virtual library for Theatre and Drama
Collection for playwrights and readers. The electronic texts of plays are registered by author.
WWW Database of Chinese Buddhist texts (4418 texts)
Topics related to Chinese literature and culture. The texts are in Chinese.
Yale University Library Electronic Text Center
Gives limited access to full text. Useful source mainly for bibliographic data. Covers topics of history, literature, religion and information technology.
Βιβλιοθήκη ΚΕΠΕ: Η Βιβλιοθήκη του ΚΕΠΕ παρέχει τη δυνατότητα ελεύθερης πρόσβασης στις παρακάτω ηλεκτρονικές βάσεις δεδομένων:
Αρχή φόρμας
O.N.E. – Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD)
International Financial Statistics – IMF (Σε μορφή CD-ROM)