Open access journals
Journal Name | Website | Economy of Origin | Language | Origin year | comment |
Almatourism. Journal of Tourism, Culture and Territorial Development | Italy | English | 2009 | Open access
| |
Annals of Tourism Research Empirical Insights | | Developed Western Economy | English | 2021 | Open access |
Anuario Turismo y Sociedad | | Colombia | Spanish | 2001 | Open access |
ARA: Journal of Tourism Research/ Revista de Investigacion en Turismo | Spain | Multilingual | 2008 | Open access | |
Caderno Virtual de Turismo | | Brazil | Portuguese | 2001 | Open access |
Cuadernos de Turismo | Spain | Multilingual | 1980 | Open access | |
Dos Algarves: A Multidisciplinary e-Journal | Portugal | Portuguese and English | 1995 | Open access | |
Enlightening Tourism: a Pathmaking Journal | Spain | English | 2011 | Open access | |
e-Review of Tourism Research | | Developed Western Economy | English | 2003 | Open access |
Estudios y Perspectivas en Turismo | Argentina | Spanish | 1991 | Open access | |
Etudes Caribeennes | Caribbean | French, English and Spanish | 2005 | Open access | |
European Journal of Tourism Research | Bulgaria | English | 2008 | Open access | |
European Journal of Tourism, Hospitality and Recreation | Portugal | English | 2010 | Open access | |
Finnish Journal of Tourism Research | | Finland | Finnish, Swedish and English | 2014 | Open access |
Geografia em Questao | Brazil | Portuguese | 2008 | Open access | |
Gran Tour: Revisata de Investigaciones Turisticas | | Spain | Spanish | 2010 | Open access |
International Journal of Contents Tourism | Japan | English / Japanese | 2016 | Open access | |
International Journal of Religious Tourism and Pilgrimage | Developed Western Economy | English | 2013 | Open access | |
International Journal of Safety and Security in Tourism and Hospitality | Argentina | English | 2011 | Open access | |
International Journal of Sport Management, Recreation and Tourism | Greece | English | 2008 | Open Access | |
International Journal of Tourism and Hospitality Reviews | India | English | 2014 | Open access | |
International Journal of Tourism and Spirituality |
| Iran | English | 2018 | Open access |
Investigaciones Turisticas | Spain | Spanish | 2011 | Open Access | |
Journal of Arab and Muslim Service, Tourism and Hospitality Research | Kuwait | English | 2019 | Open access | |
Journal of environmental and Tourism Analyses | Romania | English | 2013 | Open Access | |
Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Insights | | Developed Western Economy | English | 2017 | Open access |
Journal of Tourism and Hospitality Management (open access) | | Developed Western Economy | English | 2013 | Open Access |
Journal of Tourism and Research | | Developed Western Economy | English | 2013 | Open Access |
Journal of Tourism Insights | Developed Western Economy | English | 2010 | Open access | |
Journal of Tourism Research (open access) | Greece | English | 2010 | Open access | |
Journal of Tourismology | Turkey | English | 2015 | Open access | |
Journal of Travel and Hotel Management (Seyahat ve Otel Isletmeciligi Dergisi) | Turkey | Turkish | 2004 | Open Access | |
Ottoman Journal of Tourism and Management Research | Turkey | English | 2016 | Open access | |
PASOS-Journal of Tourism and Cultural Heritage | | Spain | Multilingual | 2003 | Open access |
Pesquisas em Turismo e Paisagens Carsticas | Brazil | Portuguese | 2008 | Open access | |
Podium Sport, Leisure and Tourism Review | | Brazil | Portuguese | 2012 | Open access |
Polish Journal of Sport and Tourism | Poland | English | 2013 | Open access | |
Revista Brasileira de Pesquisa em Turismo / Brazilian Journal of Tourism Research | Brazil | Portuguese | 2008 | Open access | |
Revista de Turism. Studii si Cercetari in Turism | Romania | Multilingual | 2000 | Open Access | |
Revista Electronica de Administracao e Turismo | Brazil | Portuguese | 2010 | Open access | |
Revista Interamericana de Ambiente y Turismo RIAT | Chile | Spanish | 2008 | Open access | |
Revista Turismo & Desenvolvimento | | Brazil / Portugal | Portuguese | 1994 | Open Access |
Revista Turismo em Análise | Brazil | Portuguese | 1989 | Open access | |
RITUR – Revista Iberoamericana de Turismo | Brazil | Portuguese | 2011 | Open access | |
Teoría y Praxis | Mexico | Spanish | 2005 | Open Access | |
Teoros International | Quebec, Canada | French and English | 1982 | Open access | |
TMC Academic Journal | | Singapore | English | 2005 | Open access |
Tourism and Hospitality | UK | English | 2020 | Open access | |
Tourism, Leisure and Global Change | Western Economy | English | 2014 | Open access | |
Tourismos. An International Multidisciplinary Journal of Tourism | Greece | English | 2006 | Open access | |
Turismo e Sociedade | Brazil | Portuguese and Spanish | 2008 | Open Access | |
TURyDES. Revista de Investigacion en Turismo y Desarrollo Local | Spain | Spanish and English | 2007 | Open access | |
Turystyka Kulturowa/ Cultural Tourism | Poland | Bilingual | 2008 | Open access | |
Via@international Interdisciplinary Review of Tourism | | France | Multilingual | 2012 | Open access |
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