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The science of tourism can be divided into two parts. The first part refers to the sciences of understanding the touristic phenomenon. The second part refers to the interparental and management sciences.

The aim of science is to complete studies, whose purpose is understanding reality. These studies are set to be published in refereed scientific journals. Their publication is judged for being original, complete and correct, by members of the academic community. Then, these publications are considered as valid and can be used by other researchers for the spread of knowledge.

From June 2010, the Tourism Research Institute, issues the refereed scientific web journal titled «Journal of Tourism Research».

The aim of the magazine is the spread of knowledge related to the scientific fields of tourism. In the «Journal of Tourism Research» are published original articles and obligatorily new researches. The writing language is English and the papers are evaluated by a scientific committee.

Tourism Research Institute

T.R.I. is created to serve the scientific purposes of DR.A.T.T.E.

World Tourism Academics

A union of all the world Professors on Tourism Sciences

Journal of Tourism Research

A refereed open access scientific web journal

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